Hemlock Valley Rd UPDATE

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February 4th, 2020 @ 4:15pm

For February 5th – The ministry will now be allowing travel to and from the mountain during the controlled access openings between 8-9am and again between 5-6pm. Departure down will be from parking lot #2. All travel will be with a pilot car.

February 4th, 2020 @ 2:37pm – from MoTI

As you know our site team continues to work round the clock in order to re-open the Hemlock Valley Road to SLAT. While we continue to work towards this we will be implementing controlled access once in the morning between 8-9am to allow people up the mountain and in the evening between 5-6pm to allow people back down. This will be in place barring no issues with weather or setbacks at site.

I will keep in touch with you each day to advise if there are any changes to the above and timing for SLAT.


Elena Farmer

Associate District Manager, Transportation

Lower Mainland District | South Coast Region

February 4th, 2020 – sasquatchmountain.ca

Single lane traffic will be granted access up the mountain with pilot for vehicle for locals, staff or those needing to retrieve their vehicles from 8-9am. Downward traffic will depart at 9:30am from P2 with pilot vehicle. The road will remain closed to public and non-essential traffic after 9:30am for the day until further notice. Any vehicles not returning down at 9:30am should be prepared to stay for the night at the mountain. An update will be provided mid-day with the potential option of single lane alternating traffic being permitted passage from 4-5pm…NOT GUARANTEED.

Stay tuned for update. No upward or downward traffic will be granted access after 9:30 until further notice.Please continue to check to check drivebc.ca for latest updates https://www.drivebc.ca/mobile/pub/events/majorevents.html

February 3rd, 2020 10:45am

Going down: 11:30AM –  meet at the lodge. Groups of 20 will be escorted down.

Cars will be escorted back up at 4PM. If people plan to come back up today, they should register with Shelby Lim at the resort, so they know how many cars to expect and wait for.  (This is for local people only to get supplies – not for visitors)

After the locals return, there will be another escorted trip down. likley 5PM or shortly after. Again, meet at the lodge.

NO commercial trucks at this time
More information will be available tonight re tomorrow.

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