It's time to come together again to stay informed and make sure that your needs and concerns are heard at the Hemlock Valley Homeowners Association's AGM for 2023.

It never seems to be a dull year in Hemlock Valley.
Want to know what happened? Want to know what didn’t?π€
Do you want to talk about it?π«‘
The 2023 HVHA Annual General Meeting will be held on September 23rd! Registration will start at 9:30am at the Sasquatch Mountain Resort day lodge!π
Each year, your current team of volunteer Directors and Executives step down and must be re-elected by registered homeowners, or replaced by new volunteers in the community that want an opportunity to represent and support Hemlock Valley homeowners, to make this place the best it can be.
Interested? Be sure to register with the HVHA and attend the Annual General Meeting this fall!
The Hemlock Valley Homeowners Association is requesting a good old-fashioned potluck to provide the meal for homeowners and invited guests (alcohol not included) after the meeting. Please, feel free to bring something to share.
If you typically renew your membership with the HVHA using cash at the Annual General Meeting, we kindly ask that you use an email money transfer instead. Before the gathering this year, you can send your annual registration fee of $10 per person to [email protected]. Remember to include the name(s) of who the registration is for and your Hemlock Valley address in the details section. Thank you!π
- AGM Registration: 9:30am
- AGM Meeting: 10:00am
- Adjourned: 12:00pm
- Eat & Socialize with Community Potluck